The Esposito Antique Gallery Featured on the Art Galleries’ Official Catalogue by Municipality of Florence

The Esposito Antique Gallery Featured on the Art Galleries’ Official Catalogue by Municipality of Florence

I was invited to Palazzo Vecchio for the official handover  of the catalog dedicated to the Art Galleries of Florence. The project promoted by the Municipality of Florence enjoyed the keen support of the Councilor for Trade and Productive Activities Federico Gianassi.

This catalog represents a great recognition for my business, I’m not only proud but very grateful for this publication. The volume is wonderfully elegant and well-finished, one can admire wonderful pictures of the antiques shop along with the history of each business – both antique, modern and contemporary art shops – which contribute daily, in my case for decades, to animate Florence in the art and culture market’s field.

The presentation of this volume and its official delivery was very suggestive. The event took place in the Sala d’Arme of Palazzo Vecchio and seeing the images of my gallery projected on the walls of the official headquarters of the Municipality of Florence made me very proud. Reaching this recognition was truly exciting, an opportunity to share with my colleagues in Via Maggio.

To me, this occasion was also a moment of intense personal thought on the whole long professional path undertaken first by my family and now continued by me, the images have made concrete what I have done so far and have given me the opportunity to appreciate it from a different point of view, adding yet another motivation to go on with my passions by continuing the family business.

“Great things happen to those who never stop believing, trying, learning and being grateful.” Stay Brave.