ArtOrigo On Line Luxury Marketpalece Platform Dedicates a Nice Article to my Gallery

ArtOrigo On Line Luxury Marketpalece Platform Dedicates a Nice Article to my Gallery

ArtOrigo, an on line luxury marketplace, wrote a very nice article about my gallery. Some pictures on my gallery’s inventory and fashion photo shooting project have been featured this week. I want to thank the ArtOrigo team for the interest and invite all those who are looking for unique and rare antiques and design pieces to visit this wonderful and trustable online sales platform.

Art meets Fashion at @galleriaespositoantiquario. Galleria Esposito Angiquario is the perfect set for a fashion photo shooting. This thrilling new experience allowed for a back drop that created stunning photos with a decadent allure that have been published on @vogueitalia. Artortigo is so very proud for @galleriaespositoantiquario about this project and many the many more to come at @galleriaespositoantiquario ! Here you are some fashion pictures and behind the scenes ones!

Painting: Violante Beatrice Siries Cerroti, Oil on canvas painting, Three young ladies portrait in a garden, Florence, 1735 circa

Sculpture: Plaster Ram’s head with green patina, contemporary sculpture by @pablosimunovic.finearts
Model: @virginia808080 – Ph. @sejla_portrait – Makeup: @miss__hammer Wears: @zara Jewlery : Vintage Miriam Haskell #miriamhaskell
#AOJournal #aojournal #artorigojournal #artanddesign #artmeetsdesign #florencecalling #firenzecalling #galleriaespositoantiquario